Tuesday, July 25, 2006

in memoriam: vincent

Journal entry: March 7, 1997

Self Portrait with Straw Hat

LUST FOR LIFE: Although his name is recognized all over the world now, his story is not unfamiliar to us. It is an ancient story of humanity: of longing, of loneliness, of hunger for love. His was a lonely heart, even at the beginning. Desperately wanting to be of use to the world, that when he found the one thing he can do best and be of use to people - his life was consumed by it. He has produced hundreds of artworks, borne out of his pain, his understanding of the human condition, his blood, his tears and ultimately though I think, not tragically, his own life. He pushed himself to the boundaries of sanity to create, or rather recreate life in his paintings. To me, he has lived a lonely, yet fulfilled life, but he was not there to enjoy it.


My Favorite Paintings

Cafe at Night

Starry Night



Letters, Letters, Letters

It is rather enlightening to find another door to Vincent's genius mind besides looking at his paintings. He was an avid letter writer and these letters offer a great insight to his artwork, inspiration, feelings, and insecurties.

"It must be good to die in the knowledge that one has done some truthful work and to know that, as a result, one will live on in the memory of at least a few and leave a good example for those who come after. A work that is good may not last forever, but the thought expressed by it will, and the work itself will surely survive for a very long time, and those who come later can do no more than follow in the footsteps of such predecessors and copy their example." - Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, Amsterdam, 3 March 1878


Vincent Van Gogh died on July 29, 1890.


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