Tuesday, August 22, 2006

being funny

Someone once told me that he thought I was funny. Hah! That was funny! If you ask my friends, they would give you a blank stare and think you are losing your mind. I do associate myself with funny friends: people who love cracking jokes, people who like to kid a lot, people who quip the funniest punchlines in town. I love those people! I love people who make me laugh! And I do love to laugh!

But I guess there was a time when I was that person. Someone who seemed carefree, optimistic, and generally, positive about life. I remember her. I remember that girl he used to know. I did love to laugh, even at myself. I loved to do silly stuff, likes singing on top of the billiard table with the billiard stick as microphone, making weird faces at my friends, "ice skating" in front of the UST Pay High building, etc. It just seems so long ago. And it's not really easy to forget what happened in between.

Although I see glimpses of her now, though quite strangely in a different body, nevertheless, I believe her spirit lives on...in my son and in my daughter. And maybe someday they could teach me how to be funny once again.


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