Wednesday, August 02, 2006

things women hate

Inspired by the Penman's "Things Men Hate".

1. Don't leave you dirty laundy on the floor. And then complain that you don't have any clean undershirts to wear. If it's not in the hamper, it's not gonna get washed, dahling.

2. Don't ask me very important questions regarding our finances when I'm busy watching a video or when I'm blogging. Can't you see I'm doing very important work? I mean, I need a break from all the work in this house, you know? So even though I don't have a sign that says, "On A Break, Come Back in 15 Minutes", when I don't answer, take a hint.

3. Don't ask me to get patis or cut up tomatoes for you when I'm already settled in my chair at the breakfast table. Geez, can't you just do that yourself? Okay, okay, of course, I sometimes ask you to get my ketchup, but I already set the table, can't you at least do something to help me out sometimes.

4. Don't ask me where your shoes are. If you did not put them inside the shoe rack, they must have walked out on you at last.

5. Don't take this the wrong way. I love you, I just hate the things you do sometimes. We both hate each other sometimes, I think. We're only human. We do our best.


Blogger random thoughts said...

Uy, I can relate to this one...

Thursday, August 03, 2006 6:57:00 PM  

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